

Training is the most important part of Lean Six Sigma implementation, as company specialists responsible for Lean Six Sigma deployment must understand Lean Six Sigma vocabulary, principles, tools and technology for their application. Implementation of separate projects by inviting outside experts may solve a particular problem of the company in the short term, but it implies significant risks to get back to the «status quo» soon after the project is completed, and it doesn’t provide for company’s self development in the future, which is the key point of continuous process improvement.

Also it is important to understand, that it’s not Lean Six Sigma training itself, which is important, but rather an ability to solve problems that stand on the way of company development and prosperity. Best consulting companies that provide services on Lean Six Sigma deployment nowadays pay special attention to the practical result of their courses. Lean Six Sigma deployment means creating an infrastructure to solve the company’s current problems. Most important quality for any Six Sigma professional today is his or her ability and desire to solve various company problems using the available toolbox of Six Sigma, Lean and other improvement techniques. lean-six-sigma-simulationTherefore the main focus of our programs is on the methods and tools to analyze problems and seek solutions. Many of the existing opinions of Six Sigma courses as training advanced statisticians are currently outdated. Statistics, especially its theoretical part, is only provided in the minimal amount, as needed for practical solution of various tasks. We live in the era of total computer availability. There are dozens of wonderful software solutions available to solve any statistical tasks, which overtime had basically became the expert systems that advise their user on the best sequence of steps to receive an optimal solution. Major task of the modern Lean Six Sigma professional is to learn how to use these tools correctly.

Courses offered

Russian Association Six Sigma offers accelerated two levels of intensive courses:

Besides, we also offer an Introduction to Lean Six Sigma course for company execurives to ensure proper managerial support for the improvement initiatives. For additional development of green and black belts, we also offer specialized 3-day courses, which include various modules of Lean Six Sigma tools, necessary for the specific needs of the company or the group of individual professionals.

Belt System

blackbeltlores This is a good moment to make a step sideways and discuss the “belt” system, traditionally used in Six Sigma, in more detail. “Belts” mean specialists of different skill and responsibility levels that have different experience and perform different tasks. Practice of Six Sigma deployments shows that for early deployment stages it’s enough for a company to train a specific number of its employees for the Green Belt level, while the best of them may be trained and certified as “Black Belts” after completion of several Six Sigma projects.   “Yellow Belt” is currently not relevant for Russia, as Lean Six Sigma application and spread in the country are still in their early stages. Ideally that’s the minimum level of training for all of the company employees.   “Master Black Belt” is a person that lays out and implements the plan of deployment and consults the project teams, so on the early stages of development it’s best to invite an outside Lean Six Sigma expert for this role.   [jbox color=»yellow» icon=»http://www.russixsigma.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/appleinoranges.jpg» title=»What makes us different»] Unlike the most programs available on the market, courses of the Russian Association Six Sigma are based on the modern education technique 4MAT, which is based on the use of the natural difference of functions of the brain hemispheres while analyzing information and absorbing study materials, in order to achieve the maximum effect of knowledge acquisition.   When developing our study programs, we also relied on the guidelines and recommendations on Lean Six Sigma training an certification, developed by the United States Department of Defense, which has implemented the largest Lean Six Sigma deployment in the modern history. [/jbox]   [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]